After two months of going without cold cereal, we are ready to try a first: making our own Honey Bunches of Oats. We started with a granola base, added almonds and homemade flaked cereal. I tried three different kinds: wheat, rice and corn. All tasted good and baked crisp but the dough is soft enough that it must be patted thin (1/16 of an inch) by hand so it takes time. We added dried apples or raisins or coconut according to taste. The recipe and cost:
$.48 4 cups flour
(or 2 cups wheat flour and 2 cups bran)
$.35 1/2 cup nonfat dried milk
$.01 1 tsp salt
$.02 1/4 cup oil
$.02 1 TBS sugar or molasses or honey
1 cup water
$.88 TOTAL
(yeilds 24 ounces)
Breakfast: Potato hash with sausage and venison, dehydrated potatoes, cheese, and cream of chicken soup. Apple crisp.
Lunch: Peanut butter and honey or tuna sandwiches on fresh rolls
Dinner: A special from the Duggars - Barbecued Tuna on a bun (This is tuna heated with barbecue sauce. I never would have made that marriage but it tasted fine! The BBQ masks any fishy flavor and it looks like BBQ pork.) I am reminded of a dish my father served to us once when he was home being "Mr. Mom" for a few days. He put tomato soup and pepperoni together and served it on spaghetti noodles. We were nearly gaging at the concoction when Dad told us it was "Sheep herders Spaghetti." Several years later, I put the story together. Dad herded sheep when he was a young man. Often there was nothing for him to eat. When the cupboard was bare, using a can of tomato soup and anything else he had to dress up spaghetti noodle was far better than starving. He was grateful for anything to eat - even if it tasted a little unusual. Today, a person who would rather get a hamburger than try a concoction never heard of, and pay for it on a line of credit deserve shame on him/her. Living honestly means that sometimes we look awkward in public.
Sides: carrot sticks, fresh steamed winter squash, and canned corn. A chocolate sheet cake.
I am so impressed with yall's challenge! I am interested in doing something similar in the future! You should write a book!!