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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week Two Menu Plans and What Really Happens

One the shelf: Starch: We added 60 pounds potatoes , restocked 25# flour, Protein: 8 jars Peanut butter, chicken, 5 #/s cheddar cheese, 5# cottage cheese Produce: 8 # apples watermelon

Receipts: Sams -$ 23.21, SS -$ 8.16, B& S - $31.32

Menu Plan:

Breakfasts: footballs, rice with milk and sugar, french toast, omlets and toast, rice pudding, Fried potatoes, blender wheat pancakes
Lunches: Sandwiches - PB, tuna, egg, cheese, leftovers
Dinner: Potato Soup, baked potatoes. Garden Cafe style potato plater, Creamed tuna over toast, tuna salad pita pockets, rice and beans, Refried beans topped with cheese and Mesquite flavoring,