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Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Senior Recital - Is it worth it to Bake?

My almost five year old has been waiting all week for the day we get to listen to the recital and then eat cookies.  This morning he bounded out of bed, "Do we get to eat the chocolate eclairs today?"  He would not forget carrying them in the house after the shopping trip and he was ready for the party.  Then we started baking miniature brownies in the small muffin tins.  The aroma filled the house with more of an invitation than he could resist.  He asked to have a brownie, when denied the privilege he asked for the beater.   When Dad said, "Yes," he chimed "You're the best Dad ever!"

We didn't bake everything for the recital, but what we did bake created anticipation for a special event for a member of our family. Was the hassel of baking worth the positive bonding between siblings or the compliment to Dad?  You bet it was.

Breakfast today: Cracked wheat/oatmeal hot cereal with milk, raisins and walnuts
Lunch: Macaroni/tomato with wheat gluten protein chunks instead of hamburger (see the  Wheat gluten post and pictures)
Dinner:  Hot bread and milk with whole wheat bread, butter and salt

Monday, May 2, 2011

Captive Audience - Frozen cabbage

My son sat at the kitchen bar and talked. I put applesauce fruitcake dough in muffin tins.  I smiled and occasionally got to respond affirmatively.  An awareness dawned, "He must enjoy just visiting - knowing that I was going no where until the muffins were baked.  He could talk and talk without fear of being ignored, blown off by distractions that come with motherhood or simply left alone.  I was all his  -captive at 6:15 in the morning,.

For dinner we made punjabe potatoes with cabbage (probably has a different name with cabbage!)
Today's experiment came when we pulled the cabbage from the freezer.   In putting groceries away, somehow one whole cabbage was put in a bread sack and put in the freezer!  I've had this happen to celery that inadvertently was put in the freezer, but I was not sure how to negotiate the cabbage dilemma. So after thawing on the kitchen counter for 2 days, I chopped it all into small squares and fried it with a little oil.  We added potatoes and spices.  The steamed (once frozen) cabbage cooked beautifully. 

Breakfast: leftovers
Lunch: applesauce muffins and milk
Dinner: punjabe potatoes, green salad